Whitehall-Yearling High School
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Support Ram Business Owners
One of the Missions of the Whitehall-Yearling Alumni Association (WYAA) is to support our Alumni who own or run businesses. We created these lists as a benefit to our WYAA members; however, WYAA does not endorse these businesses. If you want your business listed, please join WYAA on this website (go to Classmate Profiles) & send your information to: jnturnbull51@aol.com.
To read the complete Dispatch article, click on the link below.
Bob Ochsendorf, 1970 - Ochsendorf Productions, 794 Morrison Rd., Columbus, OH 43230. 614-577-1003. www.Ochsendorf.com. WYAA purchases our Ram Pride T-shirts, Lapel Pins & Pint Glasses from Bob. See WYAA Products on the left column.
Rob Fish, 1971 - Customized Creations, rob@cCreations.com, Chicago, IL. 614-214-7261. www.cCreations.com
Steve Walters, 1986 - Juggernaut Promotions, juggernaut.walters@gmail.com, Columbus, OH 43213. 614-462-0395. www.facebook.com/juggernautpromo
Kristin Ivey, 2016 - Artist, Reynoldsburg, OH. https://krissyswork.com/
Jeffrey Collins, 1995 - Artist & Filmaker, Reynoldsburg, OH. http://jeffreycollinspainter.blogspot.com
Chorsie Calbert IV, 2013 - Actor, Dancer, Singer, chorsiecalbert@gmail.com. 614-721-2524, www.chorsiecalbertiv.com
Dave Powers, 1982, 2-time Emmy Award-winning performer (piano, keyboard vocals & entertainer) & composer. www.davepowers.com
Terry Robinson, 1981 - Blazing Eagle Karoke & DJ. 813-502-6100. Brandon, FL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS0fyeKrUzRaPt_85oRDqA,
Jeff Mauk, 1970 - Jack Maxton Chevrolet, 700 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Columbus, OH, 43085. 614-885-5301. www.jackmaxton.com.
Tim Farrow, 1995 - A&A Mechanical Services, LLC, Owner/ Mechanic, Diesel Truck Repair. 4300 Groves Rd, Columbus OH 43232. 614-496-5234 aamechanicalservices@gmail.com
Brenda Terry May, 1967 - May Electric Co., brenda@mayelectric.com, Hilton Head, SC 29938. 843-689-3115, www.mayelectric.com
Kelly Koscho Chanak, 1997 - Andrew Ryan Outdoor Design., Largo, FL., 727-420-2210. https://www.andrewryanoutdoordesign.com
Zaria McBride, 2016 - Southern Ting, Online organic food distributor southernting.com
Mike Berhnard, 1979 - Port Smokehouse on Buckeye Lake, 9308 Township Rd 79, Thornville, OH 43076, (740) 246-5000. Open from the last week in April - 3rd weekend in September.
Joe Flegle 1974 - Capuano's Pizza, 24 S. Township Rd. Pataskala, OH 43062. 740-927-7681, capuanospizza.com
David Hickle, 1967 - Dave's Coffee Pods, internet coffee business that only sells Senseo coffee products, " everything you need for your Senseo machine. http://www.davescoffeepods.com
Patty Matthews Jackson, 1973 - Coffee Island Express, 112 Mt. Vernon Ave., Mt.Vernon, OH 43050. 740-504-6296 www.facebook.com/Coffee-Island-Express
Theodosia Ragios, WYHS Teacher, Retired - AmbroSia's Greek Pastries https://www.ambrosiasgreekpastries.com/shop
Phil Stover, 1969 - The Mug Pizza & Pub, 333 Agler Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230. 614-475-6672. https://www.themuggahanna.com
Pat Amburgey-Stone & Mike Stone, 1972 - Peanut Shoppe (Planter’s), 21 E. State St., Columbus, OH 43215. 614-221-8837, www.facebook.com/Peanut-Shoppe-Columbus
Diana Schumacher Langdon, 1982 - The Forge Tavern - 1375 Bethel Road., Columbus, OH. 43220. https://theforgetavern.com
Michael McGinnis, 1987, Edward Jones, 950 Taylor Station Rd., Suite L, Gahanna, OH 43068. 614-751-3954. michael.mcginnis@edwardjones.com
Dave Stewart, 1977 - Liberty Mutual, 440 Polaris Parkway, Suite 150, Westerville, OH 43082. 614-245-6140 David.Stewart01@LibertyMutual.com
Anthony Jordan, 2002 - State Farm Insurance, 1010 Jackson Hole Dr., Ste 201, Columbus, OH 43004. www.ajordansf.com
Tunney Lee King, 1967 - Tunney Lee King, Esq., Attorney at Law (General Law Practice), 400 S. Fifth St., Suite 102, Columbus, OH 43215. 614-621-0777. www.kinglawohio.com
Jeff Snyder, 1979, CPA, LLC - 801 Blacklick Eastern Rd., NW, Baltimore, OH. 43105. 614-577-0585 jeff@jeffsnydercpa.com
Bill Hemrick, 1980 - Hemrick Realty, 5496 Baumgartner Rd., Suite 125, St. Louis, MO 63129. 314-200-3790. https://hemrickrealty.com
Byron Diaz, 2011 - Biingual Real Estate Agent @ ihomemax team, 614-446-9616. byrondiaz93@gmail.com
Karen Lowe Hartmann, 1968 - ReMax Realtor, 570 N. State St., Westerville, OH 43082. 614-316-4523 www.karenhartmann.com
Cricket Sharp Such, 1970 - ReMax Achievers, 155 Green Meadows Dr S, Lewis Center, OH 43035, 614-329-2303. https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/cricket-such_lewis-center_oh_409191_210999143
Paula Snyder Ryan, 1988 - Ready Home Columbus, 5189 Willow Grove Place, Dublin, OH 43017. 614-339-9701. www.readyhomecolumbus.com
Dave Castle, 1971 - Attitudes Family Hair Center, 1992 North Future Terrace, Lecanto, FL. 352-527-2552. http://www.attitudesfamilyhaircenter.com
Laura "LeeAnn" Downing Wagenbrenner - 1987, Simply Sculpt Ohio, 30 S. Township Rd. Suite E Pataskala, OH 43062. leeannw@simplysculptohio.com 740-407-6331 https://simplysculptohio.com
Larry Pishitelli, 1972 - Photography by Larry Pishitelli, Columbus, OH 43228. 614-214-8568, www.phisphoto.com
Roxann Spencer, 1972 - Mary Kay Cosmetics, Orlando, FL 32818. roxann.spencer1@gmail.com, www.PaparazziAccessories.com/421716 & www.mythirtyone.com/Roxiespencer
Jason Berry, 1992 - Sr. EDI/ERP Consultant - EDI/ERP Consultant - Systems Architect - Integration Specialist. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-berry-5391825
Hailey Summers, 2010 - Younique, Cosmetics, Skin Care. Kirkersville, Ohio. www.youniqueproducts.com/HaileyCSummers
Steve Watzek, 1977, Award Business Consulting, 602-418-7700.
Bobby Bickle, 1966 - Windblow Estates, Calibishi Coast, Dominica. www.windblowestate.com
Ron DeVault, 1971 - Lawman Travel, lawmantravel@gmail.com, Canal Winchester, OH 43110. 614-496-8464. www.lawmantravel.com
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