WYHS All-Classes Reunion

2018 WYHS ALL-Class Reunion included Rams from most WYHS decades.  It looks like the most Rams attending were from the 1970's! 

THANKS to Jim Sanders, 1987, who helped organize this reunion & was our DJ.  Jim played tunes from the early days of rock & roll the first hour...& a great mix of tunes from all decades afterwards.  

Thanks also to Dan Miller, 1973 & Joyce Hildenbrand Turnbull, 1969,  WYAA Board Members, who coordinated communications, WYAA gifts, WYHS Patriot Pins & Honors & the 1958 60th Class Reunion.  

Preston Hale, 1971 & Jim Noice, 1972 honored our WYHS Ram Veterans.  Bob Ochsendorf, 1970, helped design & procure our new WYHS Patriot Pins; see Ram Products link on left column.

30 Rams from the Class of 1958 celebrated their 60th Reunion @ Massey's on Friday, August 3 & @ our All-WYHS Alumni Reunion.  Mr. Tom Tykodi, now 88, is one of the original WYHS teachers came to celebrate & congratulate his first students.

Did you know...

The original student newspaper was called the "Spokesman".  In their first newsletter, they featured articles on Mr. Tykodi & Mr. John Steele.  To read the articles, go to 'Early Rams' in the photo gallery.

The 1958 Rams picked the name of our high school with a vote.  Since Whitehall & Yearling names receoived the same number of vote, they decided on the name:  Whitehall-Yearling High School.

Rollinda Gillogly
9 Photos  2/8/19
64 Photos  8/9/18
Joyce Hildenbrand Turnbull
16 Photos  8/5/18
James Sanders, Jr
4 Photos  8/27/17

