1967-73 Pep Rally & Game


Here are photos of our 1967-73 Reunion's Pizza Party, Pep Rally & Football Game on September 2.  There were 100 alumni from many different classes & friends. who enjoyed Massey's & Ange's Pizza, Stewart's Root Beer, a 2016 WYHS Pep Rally & Football game.  Click on each photo to see closeups.  (If I'm missing names, or have the wrong names, please contact me.  I'll post photos of the dinner next week.)

Here's the link for our 1967-73 Reunion photos by Larry Pishitelli, 1972.

http://www.pishphoto.com/events/wyhs-9-2016/index.htm   If you want to order photos, there are instructions on his website for the details. 


